I’ve dedicated my legal career to defending my clients. I demand all the evidence. I investigate all the facts, the so-called witnesses and even the police officers. I make it my business to know the law. Cases can be won or lost before you even set foot inside the courtroom.
Read more about Mary Beth Harrell
Posts by Mary Beth Harrell
What Are My Rights During a DWI Stop?
Inadvertently swerving into another lane, running through a red light, or momentarily driving over the speed limit are mistakes that many drivers make. However, that mistake can quickly become frustrating or even land you in handcuffs if you are stopped for driving while intoxicated (DWI) in Texas, whether you’ve been drinking or not. When are…
Read MoreBurglary of Habitation or Criminal Trespass?
Burglary can be an extremely serious (and confusing) crime in the state of Texas. Although burglary is most often connected with theft, illicit entry into a building to commit assault or any felony-level offense is also considered burglary under state law. Texans facing charges of trespass, burglary, or burglary of habitation often don’t know the…
Read MoreWhen a Victim Recants: Why You Can Still Be Charged with Domestic Violence
Domestic violence charges can have many severe consequences for the person accused, and a conviction could affect their lives in numerous ways: their options for employment, ability to rent an apartment or buy a home, right to own a firearm, and opportunity to care for and visit their children. Sometimes, domestic violence charges result from…
Read MoreIs Robbery Considered a Violent Crime in Texas?
When you think of violent crimes, your mind most likely goes to murder, rape, and assault. The last crime that you may think of when it comes to violent crimes is theft. But robbery is different. While technically a theft crime, it is also an assaultive crime, and as such, can be classified as a…
Read MoreHow Do You Challenge a DWI Blood Test?
If you have ever been accused of driving while under the influence, then you are familiar with a blood test. Compared to a breath test or a field sobriety test, a blood test is one of the most accurate tests that you can take to identify your sobriety. Or is it? While a blood test…
Read MoreParents, Talk to Your Teens About Consent
As a parent, the thought of talking to your teen about sex can be uncomfortable. However, in this day and age, it is crucial. Even though sexual assault cases involving teens have happened for decades, it is even more prevalent now with human trafficking and statutory rape cases. There are many reasons why teens are…
Read MoreYou Can be Charged with DWI in Texas Even if You Don’t Drink Alcohol
Most people associate a DWI charge with drinking alcohol. However, in Texas, this is only partially true. Under state law, a person is driving while intoxicated (DWI) when they are do not have the ordinary use of their mental or physical faculties because of consumption of alcohol, drugs, or a combination of those substances, or by exhibiting…
Read MoreWhat Impact Will Wooden v. U.S. Have on Criminal Defense?
In March 2022, the Supreme Court of the United States heard oral in a case involving how predicate offenses – crimes that may be considered a component of a larger crime – are considered and classified under the Armed Career Criminal Act. SCOTUS reversed the decision made by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth…
Read MoreWhat Drug Charges Are Federal Felony Crimes?
If you have been arrested or charged with a crime, there are two words you do not want to hear in reference to your charges: federal or felony. Being charged with a federal felony offense can place the rest of your life in jeopardy. In one of the most important fights of your life, you…
Read MoreWhen Is a DWI Stop Illegal?
Protecting the people from injustice and harm is the main goal of laws in the first place. Upholding an American’s Constitutional rights must always come first, no matter who is involved or what the citizen is accused of doing. Of course, just because that is the law, does not mean it is always respected. Quotas…
Read MoreWhat Is an Officer Allowed to Do During an Interrogation?
There are few things more stressful, terrifying, and exhausting than being subjected to a formal police interrogation. Whether or not you are guilty of the crime, you’re still treated like a criminal. Most people never have to find this out the hard way, but those who do can be completely, 100% innocent and still end…
Read MoreAlcohol Detection Sensor in New Cars: Safety Feature or Inconvenience?
In the latest governmental move, a new safety feature may be added to vehicles. The feature in question would either be a touch or breath sensor that would test a driver to see if they have a blood alcohol level (BAC) of over .08 percent. This would then mean they would be unable to drive…
Read MoreTexas Needs Prison Reform Now
The topic of extradition can be a complex one. There was one particular case last year that brought into question the truly harsh conditions in Texas jails. A Scottish judge refused the extradition of a Scottish man who had allegedly shot a security guard in 2016 in Austin. While the denial of an extradition is…
Read MoreAre There Alternatives to Prison?
Texas is known for its tough handling of crimes and punishment. The sentences the state doles out are some of the most severe in the United States. From fines to prison time, Texas doesn’t take breaking the law lightly. So if you’ve been charged or convicted with a crime, you might be worried about the…
Read MoreIs a DWI a Serious Charge?
Some crimes are more serious than others. After all, one would take being convicted of disorderly conduct over being convicted of murder, but often even the less serious charges have long-lasting and life-changing repercussions. Driving while intoxicated (DWI) is a serious offense under any circumstance, but people often take it lightly because of how common…
Read MoreAre Private Militias Legal in Texas?
No, private militias are not legal in Texas. In fact, all 50 states prohibit private, unauthorized militias from engaging in activities reserved for the state militia, including law enforcement activities. What is a militia? There are government-sanctioned organized militias, like the Coast Guard, the Naval militia, and the “unorganized militia” which includes every male between…
Read MoreWhat Are the Most Common Misconceptions About the Criminal Process?
It’s easy to think we know how the criminal process works. A criminal is arrested, read their rights, and then it’s off to jail with them. That’s how TV shows like Criminal Minds, NCIS, and Brooklyn 99 work, and if we haven’t been arrested ourselves, then why should we think otherwise? Or sometimes, we simply…
Read MoreWhen Does Spanking Become a Crime?
Everybody has the right to discipline their child; whether that’s sitting them in the corner to think about their actions, taking away their video game consoles and phones, or even spanking them. It’s up to the parent to decide what’s best for their child. It’s important, however, that we know what’s too much, because sometimes,…
Read MoreIs There a Meth Problem in Texas?
Drugs are a problem nationwide. Heroin, cocaine, meth…they’re addictive, dangerous, and everywhere. Not only do they pose a threat and danger to those who use the drugs, but they also create trouble for others. The drug trafficking involved with getting the drugs into Texas, and the creation of more drugs in dens and basements causes…
Read MoreWhy a Texas Man Is Facing Federal Charges Instead of State Charges
The legal system can be complex and tricky to navigate, and if you’ve been charged with a crime, you may not quite understand why you’re being charged the way you’re being charged. For one man from Texas, this is exactly the case. Having started and ended a crime in his home state, one might assume…
Read MoreUnderstanding the Jury Selection Process in Criminal Cases in Texas
The US Constitution’s Sixth Amendment provides that “In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial by an impartial jury of the state where the said crimes shall have been committed.” If you’ve been charged with any crime, you have the right to a fair trial. The selection…
Read MoreDWIs and New Year’s Eve
Many people use the holidays as a reason to drink a little more often, or in greater quantities, than they normally would. One holiday where celebrations and drinking go hand-in-hand is New Year’s Eve. People gather around to celebrate the start of something new. Many employers and friends host parties until well past midnight to…
Read MoreTheft Charges Are a Big Deal in Texas
Being charged with a crime of any sort is a challenge, but when the crime in question is a form of theft, the consequences can be severe. While not typically considered “violent” in and of itself, theft is thought to be a sign of moral failing, which means you may find yourself judged at every…
Read MoreWhy DWI Charges Must Be Taken Seriously
Having fun with your friends can be a wonderful thing. After a year in isolation, we all deserve to spend silly, quality time with those we care about, and for those of us over 21, that quality time may involve alcohol. While having a few brews with friends, we should be aware of how alcohol…
Read MoreHow Do Depositions Work in Criminal Cases?
Going to trial can be exhausting, time-consuming, and confusing. When you are facing criminal charges, it can be frightening, too. The law is full of little intricacies, exceptions to rules, and rules without exceptions. However frustrating this may be, this level of detail is meant to protect you and your rights – as long as…
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