Killeen Traffic Stop Nets Several Pounds of Drugs

A recent traffic stop in Killeen resulted in the seizure of several pounds of drugs and two arrests, per 6 News. According to the publication, a routine traffic stop netted “3.4 lbs. of methamphetamine, 4.2 lbs. of marijuana, 14.3 grams of ecstasy, 8.12 grams of cocaine, 16.74 grams of fentanyl (M30 pills), 5.64 grams of…

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You Don’t Have to Be “Family” to Face Family Assault Charges

We understand the complexities surrounding family assault charges related to dating violence. Despite not being a legal member of the family, certain laws concerning family assault charges expand the term “family” to include other folks as well. These charges can arise when a person involved in a dating relationship is accused of causing harm or…

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Defenses for Burglary of Habitation Charges in Central Texas

In our state of Texas, burglary charges encompass accusations of unlawfully entering a house, building, or vehicle. Referred to as “burglary of habitation,” it is crucial to recognize that burglary charges can be filed even in cases where no theft occurred. Understanding the definition of burglary, the specific charges you face, and the potential consequences…

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It’s the 9th DWI That Really Gets You

Texas is known for being tough on crime. The state’s reputation came into play recently when a man pleaded guilty to a DWI charge, making it his 9th DWI conviction. He was sentenced to life in prison. A Weatherford jury has sentenced Christopher Faran Stanford to 50 years to life in prison after he was…

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Shooting a Building Can Be Deadly Conduct, Too

Responsible gun ownership and adherence to applicable laws are fundamental principles upheld by proponents of gun rights. The lawful use of firearms is crucial to protect individual liberties, personal safety, and the preservation of one’s property. It is important to recognize that responsible gun ownership entails understanding and complying with the legal framework surrounding firearms.…

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How Victim Impact Statements Can Affect an Assault Case

Under the US Constitution, criminal defendants are given the right to face their accusers. Implied, though not directly stated, is the right of an alleged victim to face the perpetrator of a crime. The whole point of a criminal trial is to give both sides a chance to tell their stories and have an impartial…

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Stay Off Social Media After Being Charged

As good as it may feel to “get things off your chest,” posting on social media after you’ve been charged with a crime of any sort can only hurt you. Those accused of a violent crime like domestic violence or assault should definitely stop posting on all online accounts until their case is resolved, as…

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The Murdaugh Trial and the Importance of Witness Testimony

Recently, accused killer Alex Murdaugh took the stand in his double-murder trial, and at the same time an unflattering Netflix docuseries about the murders and his own family hit the airwaves. Pundits and experts across the country considered this a risky move, especially considering Murdaugh immediately confessed to what felt like dozens of lies. We…

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When to Plea and When to Fight Your Charges

If you have been charged with a criminal offense in Killeen, Copperas Cove, or anywhere in Central Texas, you may immediately start weighing your options. Should you plead guilty? But you are innocent! Should you fight your charges? But then you might get jail time! There are pros and cons to each, but no matter…

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Why Eyewitness Accounts Aren’t Trustworthy

If you were charged with a crime, prosecutors may want to bring in eyewitnesses to help convict you. Or maybe you want to bring an eyewitness onto the stand to help prove your innocence. It seems like a great tactic to use for either side. After all, the eyewitnesses are the people who actually saw…

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Should I Talk to the Police If I Haven’t Been Arrested?

Maybe you made a mistake. Maybe you were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Or maybe you feel that you have absolutely nothing to hide. Whatever the reason, if you find yourself in the company of police – particularly police who want to ask you questions and have you answer those questions without…

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When Is it Self-Defense and When Is it Aggravated Assault?

The general term “assault” comprises a variety of crimes under the Texas penal code, ranging from misdemeanors to felonies. The Texas criminal justice system can be harsh and swift, and if you find yourself facing any type of assault charges, it’s important to get started on your defense as soon as possible. When you get…

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Is It Still Assault If Someone Provokes You?

Many assaults happen because a defendant was provoked by the victim. As a general rule, provocation is not a defense to the crime of assault. If you’re provoked, Texas law generally requires that you walk away or contact the local police. Fighting or using force if provoked is typically not an appropriate response. However, there…

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How Do You Prove Intent in “Burglary of Habitation”?

There are many different types of defenses when you’re charged with a crime in Central Texas. Our Killeen criminal defense lawyers assert your Constitutional defenses. We hold the government to its burden to prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt. One defense that we regularly examine is whether you violated the precise terms of the…

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Why a Bar Fight Can Land You in Prison

It’s a common scene on television and in the movies. Two patrons get into a fight. In the old days of TV westerns, they might resolve their differences in a gunfight. Some shows and films would have a fight that escalated into involving everyone in the bar. A common scene shows one patron sliding completely…

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Burglary of Habitation or Criminal Trespass?

Burglary can be an extremely serious (and confusing) crime in the state of Texas. Although burglary is most often connected with theft, illicit entry into a building to commit assault or any felony-level offense is also considered burglary under state law. Texans facing charges of trespass, burglary, or burglary of habitation often don’t know the…

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Is Robbery Considered a Violent Crime in Texas?

When you think of violent crimes, your mind most likely goes to murder, rape, and assault. The last crime that you may think of when it comes to violent crimes is theft. But robbery is different. While technically a theft crime, it is also an assaultive crime, and as such, can be classified as a…

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Parents, Talk to Your Teens About Consent

As a parent, the thought of talking to your teen about sex can be uncomfortable. However, in this day and age, it is crucial. Even though sexual assault cases involving teens have happened for decades, it is even more prevalent now with human trafficking and statutory rape cases. There are many reasons why teens are…

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What Impact Will Wooden v. U.S. Have on Criminal Defense?

In March 2022, the Supreme Court of the United States heard oral in a case involving how predicate offenses – crimes that may be considered a component of a larger crime – are considered and classified under the Armed Career Criminal Act. SCOTUS reversed the decision made by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth…

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What Is an Officer Allowed to Do During an Interrogation?

There are few things more stressful, terrifying, and exhausting than being subjected to a formal police interrogation. Whether or not you are guilty of the crime, you’re still treated like a criminal. Most people never have to find this out the hard way, but those who do can be completely, 100% innocent and still end…

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